Our Ministries
Ministries of
First Presbyterian
Interested in Volunteering? There are multiple opportunities, such as helping produce our on-line worship services, helping distribute study materials, making phone calls or sending cards. Contact the church office - either by e mail or phone - and let us know how you'd like to become involved in our community outreach, or in our church community.
E mail: 1stpresby.palestine@gmail.com
Phone: 618-586-5321

Ministries and programs we support include:
Palestine Food Pantry – the food pantry provides food for those in need in the Palestine community.
Marion Medical Mission – MMM helps provide wells in areas in desperate need of clean water
Palestine Grade School - Character Counts Program
Palestine Grant in Aid
Presbytery of Southeastern Illinois
Programs Our Church Currently Hosts:
The Breakfast Club (Wednesday mornings for PHS students)
PLARN nights (Dates vary)